DEEP SPACE NINE: "Way... Warrior" - REV. 08/01/95 - ACT THREE 37. 46 CONTINUED: QUARK (surprised) Prune juice? Worf gives Quark his best intimidating glower. QUARK (backs down) If you say so. As Quark goes to get him a prune juice from the replicator, Worf surveys the crowd like a sheriff in an old Western. O'BRIEN (O.C.) Commander, over here. 47 NEW ANGLE Worf turns and sees O'Brien and Bashir, standing by the dartboard. O'Brien waves him over. Worf takes the prune juice and joins them. O'BRIEN (making introductions) Doctor Julian Bashir, Lieutenant Commander Worf. Bashir and Worf exchange nods. Bashir holds up a dart. BASHIR Care for a game of darts? WORF I don't play games. O'BRIEN (joking) It's like poker, but with pointy tips. Worf just stares at him unimpressed. O'BRIEN All right, think of it as target practice. BASHIR The object is to throw the dart and hit that board over there. O'BRIEN Aim for the dot in the middle. Worf looks skeptical, but he takes the dart, holding it by the tip like a throwing dagger, then flings it at the board like he's trying to kill it.