DEEP SPACE NINE: "Way... Warrior" - 07/07/95 - ACT TWO 28. 33 CONTINUED: KIRA The Klingon High Council has no jurisdiction over ships in Bajoran Space. KAYBOK (on viewscreen) We assumed you would welcome our assistance. SISKO Do you have any evidence that there are changelings aboard this particular ship? KAYBOK (on viewscreen) How can we have evidence until we conduct our tests? KIRA Commander, Bajoran law strictly prohibits the unwarranted search and seizure of vessels in our territory. KAYBOK (on viewscreen) I have my orders. And with that, Kaybok ends his transmission. 34 NEW ANGLE As Dax reacts to the abrupt end to the conversation, then looks down at her console. DAX The Klingon ship has increased power to its tractor beam. It looks like they're preparing to board the Xhosa. SISKO Major, raise shields and power up the forward phasers. See if that gets their attention. Kira works. KIRA Shields up. Forward phasers standing by.