DEEP SPACE NINE: "Way... Warrior" - REV. 07/10/95 - ACT TWO 27. 33 INCLUDE THE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) Which shows a Klingon bird of prey holding a bulky, alien-looking freighter in a tractor beam. KIRA (surprised) A Klingon ship. DAX I can't get through to Kasidy. They must be jamming her communications. SISKO Hail the Klingon vessel. Dax works to establish communications. The image on the Viewscreen changes to show COMMANDER KAYBOK on the bridge of his bird of prey. KAYBOK (on Viewscreen) This is Commander Kaybok of the M'Char. What is it you want? SISKO I want to know why you stopped that ship. KAYBOK (on Viewscreen) We have orders to search all vessels attempting to leave Bajoran space. KIRA Search them for what? KAYBOK (on Viewscreen) For Shape-shifters. Each ship will be scanned, its cargo searched, and its crewmembers and passengers subjected to genetic testing. SISKO On whose authority? KAYBOK (on Viewscreen) On the authority of Gowron and the Klingon High Council.