DEEP SPACE NINE: "Way... Warrior" - REV. 07/10/95 - ACT TWO 26. 29 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) To include the monitor, which shows a close up of Kasidy on her bridge. She looks very worried. KASIDY This is the freighter Xhosa to Deep Space Nine. We're under attack by-- Suddenly the image goes to static. 30 INT. OPS As Sisko and Kira come out of his office. DAX Her signal's been jammed. SISKO Get me a fix on her location. Then tell the crew of the Defiant to man their stations. (heads for the Turbolift) We'll meet you on the bridge. Sisko and Kira EXIT. 31 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Defiant at warp. 32 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE Sisko in the Captain's chair, Dax at the helm, Kira at Weapons, and an N.D. at Tactical. DAX Forward scanners are detecting the Xhosa at bearing zero-one-seven mark three-four-six. KIRA I'm picking up another ship. It's got the Xhosa in a tractor beam. SISKO On screen.