DEEP SPACE NINE: "Way... Warrior" - 07/07/95 - ACT ONE 20. 20 CONTINUED: ODO So, perhaps you'd like to tell me what's bothering you? GARAK Why do you think something's bothering me? ODO Because you're almost done with your meal. It usually takes you twice as long to eat your breakfast. GARAK Does it? ODO In my experience, most mornings you're more interested in talking than eating. GARAK Maybe I'm just hungry today. Odo gives Garak a skeptical look. Garak knows he's not fooling anyone and decides to come clean. GARAK Tell me, Odo, have you heard any news from Cardassia lately? ODO Not since they sealed their borders. GARAK Well I have. And frankly I don't like what I've been hearing. Rumors of uprisings, civil disturbances. All very alarming. ODO I didn't know you still had friends inside the Empire.