DEEP SPACE NINE: "Way... Warrior" - 07/07/95 - ACT ONE 19. 18 EXT. SPACE -DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) With the Klingon ships. 19 INT. PROMENADE It's early in the morning. The activity on the Promenade is light, except for a sprinkling of Klingons, scattered about in groups of twos and threes. The Klingons don't seem to be doing much of anything, just talking quietly among themselves and watching the Promenade. But there's something meticulous about their placement and military about their bearing, almost like they're sentries on watch. 20 INT. REPLIMAT Garak and Odo are eating breakfast. Garak has a full meal. Odo is sipping from a cup of coffee, which he keeps constantly in his right hand. Throughout the scene, Odo maintains a casual surveillance of the Klingons on the Promenade. GARAK (re: the coffee) Fascinating. So both the cup and the liquid are merely extensions of your body. ODO That's correct. And if I want to, I can even drink the liquid, reabsorb it, and produce new "coffee" in the cup. Demonstrating, Odo takes a swallow, then holds out the cup. It's refilled. ODO (holds up cup) This way I can give the illusion that I'm sharing in the dining experience. GARAK Very thoughtful.