140:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Way... Warrior" - 07/07/95 - ACT ONE 14. 13 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK I don't want them to know we're on to them. O'BRIEN Suit yourself. O'Brien and Bashir relax. Bashir tries to duplicate O'Brien's trick with the sand pea. He misses. O'BRIEN The secret is positioning the pea correctly on your hand. BASHIR I thought I did. Bashir reaches for another sand pea, but Quark moves the bowl away. QUARK What are you two doing? I'm telling you, the Klingons are up to something. BASHIR Calm down, Quark. The Klingons are our allies. QUARK They might be your allies, but they're not mine. O'BRIEN Relax. If something's up with the Klingons, Captain Sisko will find out about it. Quark thinks it over. He's still got a bad feeling about this. QUARK Yeah. But will he tell me? CUT TO: 14 INT. WARDROOM Sisko, Kira and General Martok are standing at the table. SISKO So what brings you here, General?