12:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Way... Warrior" - 07/07/95 - ACT ONE 12. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 12 INT. QUARK'S The mood is subdued. There are several tables full of Klingons scattered around the room. But the Klingons are uncharacteristically somber. They're stone-faced and serious, talking quietly among themselves, and carefully watching the room. QUARK is behind the counter, surveying his domain with a frown. A quiet bar is an unprofitable bar. 13 NEW ANGLE Bashir and O'Brien are seated at a table. While Bashir watches, O'Brien places a Gramillion sand pea on the back of his hand, then slaps his wrist, catapulting the sand pea into the air and catching it in his mouth. BASHIR (smiling) Chief, I'm beginning to think there's no limit to the wonders you can perform. O'BRIEN That's what I like about you, Julian. You're easily impressed. But despite their easy manner, Bashir and O'Brien can't help but be aware of the mood of the Klingons. Quark brings them a pair of drinks. He puts them down on the table, but his attention is still focused on the Klingons. BASHIR Thank you, Quark. Can we get a little yamok sauce for these sand peas? Quark says nothing. He's definitely spooked. BASHIR (trying to get his attention) Quark?