45:[13,#b],65:[6,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Way... Warrior" - 07/07/95 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: Sisko and Kira EXIT the room and move to the next guest quarters. 3 INT. GUEST QUARTERS - BEDROOM (OPTICAL) Sisko and Kira ENTER, but before they can set themselves to fire, A CHAIR in the room suddenly SHAPE-SHIFTS into a jet of protoplasmic goo. The goo quickly arcs toward the door, changing in mid-flight into a bird, which flies away. He's go before Sisko or Kira can get off a shot. SISKO (hits combadge) We found him. He's headed for the Promenade. CUT TO: 4 INT. PROMENADE Two-person security teams, armed with phaser rifles, run along either side of the upper level of the Promenade. 4A NEW ANGLE Down below, BASHIR, also armed with a rifle, takes cover behind the shop directory. 4B CLOSE ON BASHIR Who's been promoted to full lieutenant. BASHIR (to com) All right, I want phaser sweeps of everything in the Promenade. He's here somewhere. Let's find him. (a beat) On three. One, two... Just then, an arm reaches from behind Bashir and grabs him by the shoulder. As a startled Bashir turns around, we hear the sound of a morph.