DEEP SPACE: "The Adversary" - REV. 04/10/95 - ACT FIVE 47. 96 INT. DEFIANT - ENGINE ROOM O'Brien continues working. Intercut as necessary with the Bridge. O'BRIEN How about this... I think I may be able to shut down the changeling's forcefields and gain access to the sabotaged systems. The only problem is, there's a chance we'll lose our own forcefields, too. COMPUTER VOICE Auto-destruct in seven minutes. SISKO'S COM VOICE Just tell me how long it will take. O'BRIEN I guess it'll have to be less than seven minutes. 97 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE As Sisko reacts to O'Brien's estimate. SISKO That'd be my suggestion. Sisko out. As Sisko cuts of the transmission, Bashir ENTERS the Bridge. EDDINGTON (seeing him) Doctor... how's Lieutenant Dax? Bashir looks grim. BASHIR Still unconscious. The changeling gave her enough sedatives to keep her under for days. I've filtered most of them out of her system, but she'll be out for at least another few hours. (a beat) I wish I could do more. SISKO You've done all you can, Doctor. Now it's up to Chief O'Brien.