DEEP SPACE: "The Adversary" - 04/07/95 - ACT FOUR 39. 74 KIRA Who's near a bend in the corridor. KIRA Put the phaser down. It's me... Kira. (to Sisko) We were on our way to meet up with you and we got separated for a few seconds. The next thing I know, he opened fire.. BOLIAN You can't fool me. You're the changeling. I saw you come out of that hatch and go around the corner. Kira steps closer to Sisko and the Bolian. KIRA I didn't see anyone. Maybe he morphed into the ventilation system. (growing suspicious) Or maybe he didn't. For all we know, you could be the changeling. Kira continues approaching Sisko and the Bolian. BOLIAN Keep back. Sisko looks from Kira to the Bolian, not sure whether he can trust either one of them. SISKO (an order) Both of you put your weapons down. 75 CLOSE ON THE BOLIAN As he looks from Kira to Sisko. He's in over his head. For all he knows, Sisko could be the Shape-shifter. BOLIAN I can't do that, Captain. KIRA (to the Bolian) You heard him... But as Kira steps forward, the Bolian suddenly takes aim at Kira and just as he's about to fire...