201:[5,#b] DEEP SPACE: "The Adversary" - 04/07/95 - ACT FOUR 37. 62 CONTINUED: Sisko stops just above the intersection. He sizes up the side passageways, then signals for the Security Officer to join him. 63 CLOSE ON SISKO As he waits, constantly shifting his aim between the three branching tunnels, while the Security Officer makes his way down the ladder. 64 NEW ANGLE After a tense wait, the Security Officer finally reaches Sisko. Sisko indicates that the Security Officer should take the right tunnel. SISKO (quietly) On three. The Security Officer nods. Sisko holds up one finger, then two, then three. SISKO Now. Simultaneous, Sisko swings down to fire into one passageway, and the Security Officer moves to fire into the other. 65 NEW ANGLE - CLOSE ON THE SECURITY OFFICER But as the Security Officer swings his phaser rifle into position and is about to fire... 66 NEW ANGLE - SECURITY OFFICER'S P.O.V. (OPTICAL) A section of the passageway suddenly MORPHS, extending a pseudopod and slamming the officer into a bulkhead. 67 ANGLE ON SISKO (OPTICAL) As he turns in response to the Security Officer's choked cry. But before Sisko can level his rifle at the Changeling, the Changeling, now a writhing mass of protoplasm, springs at Sisko from the tunnel, smashing him back against the ladder, and shoots down the Jefferies tube.