DEEP SPACE: "The Adversary" - 04/07/95 - ACT FOUR 34. 58 CLOSE ON SISKO He knows it too, but he's determined to keep the crew together and working toward a solution. SISKO That's why everyone will be in teams. Keep your partner in sight at all times. KIRA And if we see anyone without a partner? SISKO Escort them to the brig. We don't want to take any chances. Kira nods. That's good enough for her. But Sisko knows the tension's still getting to her, and to the rest of the crew. SISKO (picks up a phaser rifle) Let's go. The group begins breaking up into two-person teams. 59 INT. DEFIANT - CORRIDOR (OPTICAL) Close on Kira and the Bolian, looking around the corridor, both carrying phaser rifles. The Bolian is working on removing an access plate to a Jefferies tube. The halls of the ship are empty and silent, except for the omnipresent hum of the engines. With the cloaking device engaged, the corridors are dark and full of shadows. Kira looks around, scanning the corridor, knowing that anything she sees could be the changeling. Her old terrorist instincts, the feeling of being the hunter and the hunted at the same time, are all coming back to her. She looks grim and determined, a professional with a job to do. The Bolian removes the access plate. BOLIAN Ready. Kira stoops down and fires the phaser rifle into the tube. The beam is different from the usual needle-like laser.