11:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE: "The Adversary" - 04/07/95 - ACT FOUR 33. ACT FOUR FADE IN: 57 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE Sisko is addressing Kira, Odo, Eddington and a group of N.D.s. SISKO Our objective is simple. Find the changeling and stop him from doing any more damage. (a beat) We'll break up into two-person teams. Each team will be equipped with phaser rifles. Sisko indicates a stack of phaser rifles. EDDINGTON We've reconfigured the rifles to fire an expanding energy pulse. ODO The phasers are set low enough to avoid damaging equipment... but high enough to affect the changeling. SISKO The changeling could be hiding anywhere. He could look like anything. So we're going to have to systematically sweep the ship with phaser fire. Every corridor, every conduit. If he's out there, we're going to find him. (a beat) Any questions? One of the Security Officers, a BOLIAN, nods. BOLIAN What if the changeling's not out there? What if he's one of us? Though the Bolian's the one who said it, clearly everyone's been thinking the same thing. The crewmembers eye each other suspiciously. They know there's no way to tell the changeling from the person it's imitating.