DEEP SPACE: "The Adversary" - 04/07/95 - ACT THREE 31. 53 NEW ANGLE Sharp eyes might notice that Bashir's escort is not the same officer we saw with him before. Bashir examines Dax, scanning her with a medical tricorder. He injects her with a hypospray. BASHIR She's got a severe concussion. I'd better get her back to the medical bay. (to two Security Officers) Give me a hand. As the first two Security Officers start to lift Dax... 54 CLOSE ON O'BRIEN He's worried, but he knows he has to keep working. So does Odo. ODO (to the third Security Officer) Stay here with the chief. The officer nods. O'Brien hits his combadge. O'BRIEN (to com) Damage control team report to the Engine Room. And as Odo and Eddington EXIT, hold on O'Brien, who stares impassively at the sabotaged systems. CUT TO: 55 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE Bashir is updating Sisko and Kira. Armed Security Officers stand at the back of the bridge.