DEEP SPACE: "The Adversary" - 04/07/95 - ACT ONE 11. 15 CONTINUED: EDDINGTON You wanted to see me, sir? SISKO It's about Ambassador Krajensky. I know Starfleet doesn't intend for this to be a combat mission, but just in case the Tzenkethi have other ideas, I want to make sure the ambassador is kept out of harm's way. EDDINGTON Yes, sir. I'll see to it that if hostilities do occur, the ambassador is escorted off the bridge. This is what Sisko wanted, but he knows it won't be as easy as Eddington makes it sound. SISKO He won't like it. EDDINGTON (smiles) I won't let that bother me. SISKO Very good, commander. That'll be all. Eddington starts to leave, then turns around. There's something on his mind. EDDINGTON Captain, I just want to say that I agree with what Chief O'Brien said. About your promotion. It's about time. SISKO I appreciate the sentiment. But you know, it doesn't really change anything. I have the assignment I want, the crew I want... the rank doesn't make much difference. EDDINGTON You'd be surprised. Let's face it... People don't enter Starfleet to become commanders... or admirals for that matter.