DEEP SPACE: "The Adversary" - 04/07/95 - ACT ONE 9. 11 CONTINUED: Once again, stylistically, it's important to emphasize the Jefferies Tube as a claustrophobic, isolated place. It's not a comfortable place to be alone. O'Brien's making some adjustments at an open panel when he hears a noise. Trying to find the source of the noise, he looks down the tube. There's an intersection up ahead. O'BRIEN Hello... who's there? There's no answer. O'Brien goes crawling forward to investigate, and just as he's about to turn the corner... SHOCK CUT TO: 12 SHADOWY FIGURE Coming out from behind the corner. O'Brien smacks right into him and for a second, O'Brien and the audience should think O'Brien's been attacked by an intruder. But then O'Brien gets his bearings and we see it's... 13 BASHIR Looking guileless and innocent, carrying a TOOL CASE in one hand and a TOOL in the other. BASHIR You call me, Chief? O'BRIEN Julian, you scared me half to death. Why didn't you answer me? Bashir holds up the tool. BASHIR I had this spanner in my mouth. O'BRIEN (still cranky) What are you doing in here, anyway? BASHIR I was connecting my new diagnostic console into the medical bay's power grid.