DEEP SPACE: "The Adversary" - 04/07/95 - ACT ONE 8. 9 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE Sisko and Dax ENTER the Bridge. O'Brien, Kira, and Odo are already at their stations. Ambassador Krajensky and Eddington are standing near the Captain's Chair. EDDINGTON (a traditional salute) Captain on the bridge. Dax takes her place at the helm and Sisko nods to Krajensky, then seats himself in the Captain's Chair. SISKO All stations report. DAX Helm ready. KIRA Weapons ready. ODO Communications systems standing by. O'BRIEN Warp and impulse engines on-line. SISKO Seal the airlock and release docking clamps. DAX Docking clamps released. SISKO Engage thrusters. DAX Clearing the station. SISKO Lay in a course to the Tzenkethi border, warp eight. DAX (smiling) Aye, aye... captain. SISKO Engage. 10 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE - STOCK (OPTICAL) As the Defiant warps away from the station.