DEEP SPACE: "Facets" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT FOUR 49. 42 CONTINUED: DAX I still want to talk to you about what happened when I was an Initiate. ODO/CURZON I know you do... what did you want to ask me... ? Curzon knows this is important to her, and here we see a different side of him... older, wiser, kinder... DAX Why didn't you object when you heard I'd been reinstated into the program? ODO/CURZON I don't know, Jadzia... maybe I decided I'd been too hard on you... DAX It was your job to be hard on Initiates. ODO/CURZON Yes, but... (reluctant) The truth is... I felt sorry for you... Dax reacts, and Curzon realizes immediately that he shouldn't have told her... ODO/CURZON You wanted to be joined so badly... you were so young... so lovely... He can see from her face that he's only making things worse...