87:[1,#b],159:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT FIVE 54. 57 CONTINUED: SISKO Have any other candidates entered the election? KIRA One or two... but Shakaar's popularity is growing so fast that I don't think anyone can catch him at this point. SISKO And what about the Kai? KIRA She's trying to make the best of it... she even put out a statement of support for Shakaar. Kira sits down and puts a hand to her back in pain. KIRA Oooh. You know... I used to enjoy sleeping on the ground. Sisko smiles a little. SISKO It's good to have you back, Major. KIRA It's good to be back, sir. SISKO I'll see you in Ops. Sisko nods and EXITS. After he's gone, Kira puts down her suitcase and walks over to Bareil's memorial lamp. She looks at it for a beat, then smiles fondly. KIRA Sleep well, Bareil. She blows out the lamp and we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END