101:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT FOUR 44-45. 33 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA I'm not sure we have much of a choice. Shakaar is about to agree when Furel steps forward. FUREL Yes, we do. We can turn and fight. LUPAZA He's right, Shakaar. It's just like in the old days... every once in a while the Cardassians would get too close... and we'd turn around and give them a bloody nose. SHAKAAR (quiet) Sometimes it was our nose that got bloodied. FUREL We've always been willing to take that chance. (beat) I'll follow whatever order you give... but I'm tired of running. Shakaar looks around and sees that they all agree with Furel. SHAKAAR Kira? Kira thinks for a long beat, then has to admit the painful truth. KIRA I don't think we can keep up this pace. Shakaar turns and faces his troops. SHAKAAR (to all) All right. Then we'll head for Tanis Canyon. Kira's on point... column of twos after her... Lupaza take the rear. There's a beat as the others exchange a look.