DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT FOUR 43. 32 ANGLE ON TROOPS As the leader scans the area... he suddenly sees something on the tricorder... motions for his men to follow... and they head off in the wrong direction. 33 RESUME KIRA & SHAKAAR As they breathe a sigh of relief. Everyone looks exhausted. SHAKAAR How long do we have? KIRA I've projected the false life signs about seven hundred meters past that ravine. It'll probably take them... an hour to cover that distance... maybe another fifteen minutes to realize what's happened. Furel tries to catch his breath... he rubs a leg in obvious pain. FUREL Either I'm getting older... or these mountains are getting higher. LUPAZA The next time I start getting nostalgic for the old days... shoot me. FUREL If you insist. Shakaar carefully peers at the troops heading off in the wrong direction. Kira sets the flashing device on the ground. SHAKAAR (re: troops) They're good. KIRA Half of them are from Dahkur Province... they know the terrain almost as well as we do. SHAKAAR I think you're right... we need to leave Dahkur... they'll box us in if we stay much longer.