DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT FOUR 41A. 28 CONTINUED: SISKO You mean declaring martial law and suspending local government in the Hill Provinces. WINN I wasn't aware that you kept such... close watch on the Bajoran political situation. SISKO I try to stay informed. (beat) From what I understand, Shakaar is starting to gain support all over Bajor. WINN Is that what Major Kira's been telling you? SISKO I haven't spoken to the Major in quite some time. WINN Emissary, I don't want this issue to divide my people. SISKO Then I'd advise withdrawing your troops from Dahkur. WINN I'm more than willing to do that. (a beat) On one condition. SISKO And what would that be? WINN I'd like you to provide a Federation security force to take their place. SISKO You want me to bring in Shakaar for you. WINN Such an act would do much to solidify relations between the Federation and Bajor.