DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT THREE 31. 20 CONTINUED: SYVAR If that means you are good, I am gratified to hear it. Ferengis have an unfortunate propensity for exaggeration and I do not wish to face an opponent of lesser skills. Something about this guy is starting to rub O'Brien the wrong way. O'BRIEN I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about. SYVAR You are not aware of our upcoming match? It was arranged by a Ferengi named Quark. O'BRIEN Really? Well, I guess he forgot to mention it. SYVAR I see. In that case, there will be no dishonor when you decline the match. O'BRIEN I... didn't say I wanted to decline. SYVAR It would be most advisable for you to do so. O'BRIEN Oh? And why is that? SYVAR As a Vulcan, I am better suited to this game than a human. My hand-eye coordination is superb, I am able to mentally calculate the precise trajectory necessary for each throw, and my lack of emotional attachment to the game makes me a superior dart player to any human. O'Brien definitely doesn't like this guy. O'BRIEN When was this match supposed to take place?