DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT TWO 22. 14 CONTINUED: (2) The mood lightens a bit as the familiar jousting between the two of them continues. FUREL I've done more work on my farm in the last three months than you've done in three years. I've seen weeds that look better than the crops you're growing. LUPAZA You know good and well that my soil's more toxic than any farm tract within a hundred kilometers. (Furel rolls his eyes) It's true. Once I get a chance to use one of the reclamators things'll change, I can promise you that. Kira shifts uneasily at the mention of this topic. Shakaar glances at her and then calmly puts it all on the table. SHAKAAR (quiet) You may not get that chance, Lupaza. (beat) Nerys was sent here by the Kai with orders to convince us to return the reclamators to the government. Kira looks at Furel and Lupaza, not sure what to expect from them. They both look at her pleasantly, not at all put off by this news. FUREL (to Shakaar) And you said no... SHAKAAR I said I'd have to think about it. LUPAZA There's not much to think about Shakaar... you know that. (pleasant, to Kira) Tell the Kai or the First Minister or whatever she wants to be called these days that the answer's no.