DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT ONE 14. 10 CONTINUED: (3) WINN Patience, Child. (beat) In six months, it will be the planting season in Rakantha. By this time next year, we can be producing boton, moreka, salam grass -- all of them valuable commodities for export. If we can attract interstellar commerce to Bajor, it will only enhance our application for membership in the Federation. KIRA (nods) I understand... WINN Unfortunately, a group of farmers who were allowed to use the reclamators in another province are now refusing to return them. (beat) That's why I've come to you, Kira. You see, the farmers who've seized the equipment are in Dahkur Province -- your home. And they're led by a man you're acquainted with... his name is Shakaar. KIRA (surprised) Shakaar?