DEEP SPACE: "Shakaar" - REV. 04/04/95 - ACT ONE 10. 8 CONTINUED: QUARK The holosuites? You weren't thinking of... going kayaking by any chance? O'BRIEN As a matter of fact... QUARK (quickly) Oh... didn't I tell you? I misplaced the kayaking program -- haven't seen it in days. O'Brien stops and gives him a "who are you kidding?" look. Quark instantly changes tacks and speaks with the passion and conviction of a minister addressing his flock. QUARK (continuing) All right, look -- you're on a streak -- an epic streak. If you go kayaking tomorrow... and something happens... and you damage that... golden shoulder... this streak will be over. And you'll never know just how far it might have taken you. (beat) Could you really live with that? O'Brien looks at him for a long moment... seems to give this real thought. O'BRIEN You're offering ten to one tomorrow to anyone betting against me? QUARK That's right. O'BRIEN I'd make it fifteen. O'Brien turns and walks away. Quark can't believe it... he looks as happy as we've ever seen him as he suddenly sees visions of latinum dancing before him. CUT TO: