DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT FIVE 50. 30 CONTINUED: QUARK I never knew you felt that way. ISHKA Your father might've bought you your first copy of the Rules of Acquisition, but who helped you memorize them? QUARK (softly) You did. ISHKA I don't think I've ever been prouder than the first time you made it through all two hundred and eighty- five rules without a mistake. QUARK Rom knows them just as well as I do. ISHKA But you understand them. Rom never did. And neither did your father. (a beat) But even if Keldar didn't know the first thing about profit, he knew everything about family. He was a good husband and a wonderful father. And I loved him for that. The same way I love Rom... (a beat) And the same way I love you. Quark's hard demeanor cracks. QUARK You mean that? ISHKA (nods) Yes, I suppose I do. (a beat) If it'll make you happy, I'll give back the money. QUARK (surprised) You'll imprint the confession?