DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT FIVE 49. 29 CONTINUED: (2) ROM Now neither of you is going to leave this room until you've settled things. Is that clear? Neither one of them disagrees. ROM And no shouting. I'm going to take a nap. Rom EXITS. 30 NEW ANGLE On Quark and Ishka as they stare at the exiting Rom in wonder. ISHKA He's a sweet boy. QUARK That's easy for you to say. He doesn't live next door to you. ISHKA You're too hard on him. You always have been. QUARK I had to be. You were always too easy on him. Maybe if you'd pushed him a little harder, he would've amounted to something. ISHKA I doubt it. When it comes to business, he takes after your father. QUARK You enjoy insulting Father, don't you? ISHKA I'm not insulting anyone; I'm just being honest. Rom's a lot like his father... (a beat) And I suppose, you're a lot like me. This little insight catches Quark by surprise.