DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT FOUR 42. 24 CONTINUED: QUARK That does it. 25 NEW ANGLE Quark grabs Rom and yanks him backward. But Rom hangs on and the two of them go crashing into a huge rack of collectibles. Rom, Quark, and the collectibles smash to the ground. The two brothers continue to struggle, upsetting shelves, crashing into furniture, and generally making a mess of the place. It's a bad fight, and both of them are letting out years of pent up frustration and sibling rivalry. It's a pretty even fight and neither brother has the clear upper hand when Ishka ENTERS the room. ISHKA (stern) Quark. Rom. Quark and Rom keep fighting, oblivious to their mother. They begin choking each other. ISHKA (louder) That's enough. Ishka goes and physically separates Rom and Quark, but they continue to choke each other. ISHKA (to Rom) Let him go. ROM (being choked) But Moogie... ISHKA Stop it, both of you. Ishka grabs the brothers roughly by the ears and twists, until they let go of each other. ISHKA (to Rom) If your brother wants to go to the F.C.A., let him. ROM But you'll get in trouble.