DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT THREE 32. 18 CONTINUED: (3) And as Rom settles in for a nice soothing tooth- sharpening... 19 INT. CARGO BAY A group of alien freighter CREWMEN work at loading cargo through the airlock, under the direction of KASIDY YATES, an attractive human woman in her mid-thirties. Kasidy is the captain of her own ship, an independent interstellar freighter, and she bears herself with the confidence befitting her position. She is, however, a civilian, which allows her to be a little more relaxed with her crew than if she were in Starfleet. Kasidy spots one of her crew trying to muscle a heavy container toward the airlock without much success. KASIDY Pardshay, don't be an idiot. Go get an anti-grav sled before you hurt yourself. During the above, Sisko ENTERS. Once the crewman has EXITED, Sisko steps forward. SISKO Why don't you just beam it to your cargo hold? KASIDY (smiles) I wish I could. But it's unstable biomatter. SISKO The transporter should still be able to handle it, as long as you adjust the phase transition inhibitor. KASIDY Provided I had a Mark Seven Transporter. SISKO You're still using a Mark Six? KASIDY (a little embarrassed) A Mark Five.