DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT TWO 20. 10 CONTINUED: (4) And with that, Ishka turns and EXITS the room. 11 CLOSE ON QUARK AND ROM As Quark stews at his mother's lack of cooperation. Rom sits down beside his brother, glad to be home. ROM (smiling) Same old Moogie. 12 INT. PROMENADE O'BRIEN, BASHIR and Odo are standing outside Quark's, looking at a lock on the front door. ODO Are you sure this is absolutely necessary? BASHIR Well I don't know if I would call it "necessary." O'BRIEN Constable, there's no telling how long Quark will be gone. Besides, all we want is our dartboard. ODO Can't you just replicate another one? BASHIR (not enthusiastic) We could... O'BRIEN But we're not going to. That's our dartboard and we want it back. If Quark was going to run off, you think the least he could do is give us a little warning so we could retrieve our property. BASHIR It's the principle of the thing. ODO (harumphs) Well getting it back might not be as simple as you think.