DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - ACT ONE 8. 4 CONTINUED: (2) ROM Yes, Brother. Rom hurries off to do his brother's bidding. QUARK You'll have to excuse Rom. He means well, but he can be a lobeless idiot sometimes. Brunt grunts his agreement and holds out a PADD. BRUNT Please provide a dermal imprint for F.C.A. records. QUARK You haven't even told me what I'm being charged with. BRUNT No. I haven't. Brunt stares at Quark for a long beat. Quark finally realizes what he's waiting for. QUARK Oh... How rude of me. Quark reaches into his coat and produces a slip of latinum (this is a coin about a third of the size of the regular strips). QUARK For your trouble. He hands it to Brunt, who accepts it without a second thought. BRUNT You're charged with violating the Ferengi Trade Bylaws... subsection one thousand twenty-seven, paragraph three. QUARK Subsection one thousand twenty-seven, paragraph three? I'm not sure I'm familiar with that one. BRUNT In that case what you need is a copy of the Bylaws.