DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - REV. 03/15/95 - ACT ONE 7. 4 CONTINUED: QUARK (Cont'd) ... with the Dominion and the Maquis, people just don't like to travel anymore. Brunt grunts his agreement, then does a few more calculations. BRUNT Are these all your assets? QUARK Down to the last slip of latinum. BRUNT You realize that concealing financial information from the F.C.A. can result in severe fines? QUARK I would never dream of trying to hide anything from the F.C.A. BRUNT We'll see. Brunt continues his work. QUARK Could I look over those figures again? Brunt shows him the PADD. Quark makes a great show of studying it in detail, then frowns. QUARK Wait a minute. That can't be right. Quark thinks for a beat, then turns angrily on his brother. QUARK Rom, you forgot to include the profit figures for the tulaberry wine franchise. ROM But you told me... QUARK (cutting him off) Go get them. Now.