DEEP SPACE: "Family Business" - 03/08/95 - TEASER 4. 2 CONTINUED: (2) Rom reaches out and pats his brother on the shoulder. ROM Relax, brother. Nog isn't going to destroy the Ferengi way of life. He just wants a job with better hours. Rom smiles at his own joke. And as Quark makes a sour face at his brother's blithe disregard for the crisis at hand... 3 NEW ANGLE As a well-dressed officious-looking Ferengi ENTERS the bar. This is BRUNT, and as we are about to learn, he is a Liquidator (financial, of course) for the Ferengi Commerce Authority (essentially an IRS agent). He glances at a PADD, then looks around the room, spots Quark, and immediately walks over to him. BRUNT You must be Quark. QUARK That's me. What can I do for you?