36:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Explorers" - 02/27/95 - ACT FOUR 45. 38 CONTINUED: (5) Sisko reacts to this unexpected statement. SISKO I see... JAKE The thing is... you haven't had a date in over a year. A year, Dad... What can Sisko say? It's true. Sisko finds himself responding as he would to a friend, a peer... he's forgotten for the moment that this is his son. SISKO I guess I've been too busy... JAKE You've got to make time for these things... SISKO You're right... Suddenly Sisko smiles to himself... SISKO I can't believe this... I'm getting advice about women from my son... JAKE Don't think of me as your son right now. Just think of me as another guy. (a beat) Another guy who happens to know a very attractive lady who wants to meet you. Sisko can't believe his ears. SISKO Are you trying to set me up? JAKE Why not? Before Sisko can reply the cabin lurches violently... JAKE What was that... ? Sisko rushes to the forward porthole to check the sails...