DEEP SPACE: "Explorers" - REV. 03/01/95 - ACT FOUR 41. 37 CONTINUED: (5) O'BRIEN Because right now you can barely stand up. Bashir considers for a beat, then agrees. BASHIR Good point. O'Brien gives him a mischievous smile, then begins to softly sing... O'BRIEN And did those feet in an-cient time... Walk up-on Eng-land's moun-tains green? Bashir joins in... O'BRIEN AND BASHIR And was the Ho - ly Lamb of God... On Eng-land's plea-sant pas - tures seen? As they continue the song we... CUT TO: 38 INT. BAJORAN SHIP Sisko and Jake are still hard at work, now manning different winches from before. Jake seems winded, near exhaustion. Sisko is looking up at the sails through a porthole... SISKO This'll be the last time we have to come about for a while... JAKE Good. SISKO Ready... ? (off Jake's nod) Now... They start working their winches and the craft starts to come around... they work for a few moments, then Sisko moves to a different winch, checks the sail through a porthole, and makes a few adjustments...