130:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Explorers" - REV. 02/28/95 - ACT THREE 32. 30 CONTINUED: QUARK (with a wink and a nudge) I'm betting that your charm will take you further... Bashir's cold glare makes Quark realize he's not too happy... Quark smiles awkwardly and takes his leave... O'Brien sees that Lense and her colleagues are saying goodbye... O'BRIEN She's getting up... O'Brien gives him a reassuring pat on the back. Bashir sees that she's going to pass near their table as she heads for the exit. He straightens his uniform, frames a smile on his face, and times standing up so that they'll just "happen" to run into each other. She approaches, gets closer... Bashir acts as if he just saw her, breaks into a grin... she looks right at him... and walks right past... Bashir can't believe it... he turns and looks at O'Brien... what can he do but shrug at the inexplicability of what happened... 30A EXT. SPACE - BAJORAN SHIP (OPTICAL) as it sails past... (Same as Scene 25) 31 INT. BAJORAN SHIP where Sisko is still reading the PADD. Jake is on tenterhooks waiting to see what his Dad will think. Sisko smiles at something he reads, and Jake just stares at him, trying to guess what it might be. After another moment, Sisko looks up at his son. Jake meets his eye and waits what seems like forever for him to say something. JAKE So... what do you think... ? SISKO (simply) I liked it... Jake hears the sincerity in his voice and breaks into a grin.