DEEP SPACE: "Explorers" - 02/27/95 - ACT THREE 28. 26 CONTINUED: SISKO You'll get the hang of it... Sisko finishes his readings, cranks a winch a few turns, and moves to look at the star chart. Using nautical-looking NAVIGATIONAL TOOLS (a parallel ruler, a compass, etc), he works out their flight plan as Jake watches... SISKO We'll be tacking against the light most of the way... we'll run like this for the next ninety minutes or so... then we'll come about and I'll calculate our next leg... Jake takes this in, fascinated... SISKO How about something to drink... ? Sisko goes to the galley and takes out two POUCHES of water, tosses one to Jake. Jake reacts to the zero-gravity ration... JAKE Don't tell me we only have zero- gravity rations... SISKO (lightly) That's all the ancient Bajorans had... Sisko settles onto the floor, his back against the wall, lets out a contented breath. Jake settles onto the floor nearby. After a quiet moment... SISKO Listen... Jake cocks his ear for a moment... JAKE I don't hear anything... SISKO Exactly... not even the hum of an engine... Sisko smiles to himself, caught up for a moment in the romance of sailing...