DEEP SPACE: "Explorers" - REV. 03/01/95 - ACT TWO 25. 19 CONTINUED: SISKO When I tell you, start cranking with all you've got... Sisko mans a different winch assembly... SISKO Let's do it... The two men start cranking away... it's not easy, but they both seem to be enjoying the exertion... SISKO Keep at it, nice and steady... Sisko moves to a different winch and starts cranking... 20 EXT. SPACE - BAJORAN SHIP (OPTICAL) as the two main sails unfurl from the capsule. 21 INT. BAJORAN SHIP as the Siskos crank away... the cabin shifts unpredictably due to the movement of the sails outside... Jake cranks until it won't go any further. JAKE That's as far as it'll go... SISKO Okay... (indicating another winch) I'll work on the spritsails while you deploy the jib... Jake moves to the winch indicated by Sisko and gets to work... Sisko takes another winch... SISKO (encouraging) Put your back into it... Jake redoubles his efforts... SISKO (smiles) That's it... we'll make a sailor out of you, yet...