DEEP SPACE: "Explorers" - REV. 03/02/95 - ACT TWO 23. 17 INT. COMMANDER'S OFFICE (OPTICAL) where Sisko is talking with GUL DUKAT on a MONITOR. Their conversation has a veneer of civility, but they're gauging each other's motives the whole time. DUKAT I understand you're planning a trip. SISKO Word gets around. DUKAT I can't believe that a man of your intelligence would take stock in Bajoran fairy tales about ancient contact. SISKO If you recall, you thought the Celestial Temple was a Bajoran fairy tale... (a small smile) -- until we discovered the wormhole. Dukat gives Sisko a cold look. DUKAT I suggest you reconsider your plans; solar vessels are very fragile, and it's a long way to the Denorias Belt at sublight speeds... SISKO Don't worry. I'll have emergency equipment aboard. If something goes wrong, Major Kira can get a runabout to me within an hour. DUKAT An hour can be a long time... especially if you happen to encounter something unexpected. SISKO Like what? DUKAT Oh, I don't know. A Maquis ship, perhaps...