DEEP SPACE: "Explorers" - REV. 02/28/95 - ACT ONE 16A. 12 CONTINUED: You can see it in the ornate details worked into the bulkhead, the use of rich woods, the pipes and valve assemblies that emerge from the bolted iron walls, the analog gauges, the portholes (which are placed not just in the walls, but in the floor and ceiling as well). Much of the wall space is taken up by four winch assemblies that occupy each corner of the room. These extend from floor to ceiling and are used to control the sails; they consist of gauges, cranks, gears and levers. There's a table against one wall for reading star charts, with a rack for holding the rolled up charts. A complex looking SEXTANT hangs from the ceiling near the portholes. Because the crew needs to be able to move unencumbered around the cabin to work the winches, there are no chairs or beds. When it comes time to sit or sleep, the crew will use pillows or string up a hammock. A door in one wall leads to the head... and against another wall there's a small zero-gravity GALLEY. After a moment, Dax peers through one of the windows, then ENTERS through the opening where a door will eventually be. She's carrying a "picnic basket" with food.