11:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Explorers" - REV. 02/28/95 - ACT ONE 9. ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 7 INT. CARGO BAY as Sisko ENTERS at a brisk clip, followed by KIRA and O'BRIEN. SISKO -- I'm expecting a lumber shipment from Bajor this afternoon. O'BRIEN (struck by this odd request) Okay... SISKO Which reminds me... I'll also need a saber saw. O'BRIEN A saber saw? SISKO You know... to cut wood. O'BRIEN Why not use a laser cutter? SISKO Because I want to use the same types of tools the Bajorans had. O'Brien and Kira exchange a look as Sisko looks around the room. SISKO This should do fine, Major... As soon as these cargo containers are out of the way, I'll start construction. O'Brien looks down at the PADD he's holding. O'BRIEN Sir, I've looked over the specifications you brought back from Bajor...