199:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - REV. 02/15/95 - ACT THREE 35. 24 CONTINUED: (2) GARAK The Founders? You want to go back to the Founders? I thought you turned your back on them. ODO I did... but they're still my people... I tried to deny it... tried to forget... but I can't... (beat) I'm one of them... and I want to be with them... in the Great Link. Garak looks at him for a moment... he's accomplished what he had to do, but now he wishes he hadn't. GARAK I knew there was something... something you were holding back... Odo is on the verge of losing consciousness. ODO And now you've found it... I hope it's useful... Garak looks at him for a long moment... finally stands up, moves to the device and deactivates it... He turns away from Odo, giving him a moment of privacy. Behind Garak, we suddenly see Odo MORPHING into a liquid and then streaming into the bucket. Garak sits down in the chair, takes a deep breath... then puts his head in his hand and closes his eyes in a mixture of relief and guilt... 25 thru OMITTED 26 FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE