DEEP SPACE: "The Die is Cast" - REV. 02/15/95 - ACT TWO 23-23A. 18 CONTINUED: (3) GARAK No. I brought Odo here. He's my prisoner and my responsibility. Tain looks at him for a moment. TAIN You don't have to do this. GARAK Yes, I do. And I think we both know that you won't trust me until I do. A long beat. TAIN All right. I look forward to hearing the results. Garak nods and Tain and Lovok move away. Off Garak's expression as he thinks about what he has to do... CUT TO: 19 INT. DEFIANT - BRIDGE The Bridge is DARK, indicating the cloak in operation. Sisko, O'Brien, Kira and Dax at their stations. Dax suddenly frowns at her console. DAX Commander... I'm reading some kind of power fluctuation in the cloaking device. Sisko moves to her in concern. SISKO What kind of fluctuation? DAX I don't know... I can't locate the source of the problem... but it's getting worse... Dax works frantically, and then suddenly the lights come UP on the Bridge. KIRA We're decloaking!