DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT FIVE 55. 56 CONTINUED: (3) SISKO You'll get the access code once my friends and I are safely away from the station. (a beat) Do we have a deal? Kira looks at Sisko for a beat longer, then nods to the guards. Sisko and the rest of the Terrans begin to walk out. Kira stops Sisko for second. KIRA This isn't over Benjamin. I'll hunt you down. I swear it. SISKO You're welcome to try. Once the last Terran has left the room, Sisko follows them out. 57 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Badlands. 58 INT. CAVE CORRIDOR Sisko is walking with Bashir and O'Brien, having just returned to the rebel encampment. BASHIR I still don't understand why you gave them the access code. You could've gotten away and still destroyed the station. SISKO But we gave our word. BASHIR Our word. Who gives a damn whether we keep our word? O'BRIEN I do. Bashir is surprised by the air of conviction in O'Brien's voice. The three of them ENTER...