138:[3,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - REV. 02/10/95 - ACT FOUR 46. SISKO I'll think of something. Suddenly we hear the sound of more phaser fire. 43 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) To reveal O'Brien and the escaped Terrans coming up from behind the remaining Cardassian soldiers. The two Cardassians are caught in a crossfire between Sisko and O'Brien and soon go down. SISKO (to Jennifer) You see. I told you I'd think of something. (to O'Brien) Good work, Smiley. O'BRIEN Yeah, but the problem is there's thirty more of them behind us. SISKO Then we'd better get to the airlock. Sisko leads O'Brien, Jennifer and the rest of the Terrans away down a corridor. 44 INT. AIRLOCK CORRIDOR Sisko and the others move down the corridor. They reach the airlock, only to stop in their tracks as they see Rom's dead body, hung spreadeagled across the airlock door. JENNIFER Something tells me that's not part of your plan.