113:[6,#b],236:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT FOUR 43. 37 CONTINUED: O'BRIEN Re-routing the central ODN processor. Intendant's orders. The Cardassian crouches down to get a better look at the panel. CARDASSIAN OVERSEER I don't recall receiving clearance for any repairs. Suddenly, O'Brien lashes out and cold-cocks the Overseer. The Cardassian crumples to the ground. O'BRIEN You don't say? O'Brien turns back to the panel and triggers something in the circuitry. Suddenly the lights short out, things explode inside the ore processing equipment and the doors open. The workers and the two Bajoran guards stand around, not sure what's happening. 38 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) As O'Brien grabs the Overseer's phaser and shoots one of the Bajoran guards. That wakes the workers up. They begin swarming over the last guard, rapidly overwhelming them. O'BRIEN (addressing the workers) All right, anyone who wants to get out of here, follow me. O'Brien heads for the door, and with a cheer, the Terran workers follow him. 39 INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR (OPTICAL) Two Klingons stand guard in the corridor. Suddenly the lights go down, and a half second later, the door opens and Sisko spins out. The First Klingon barely has time to react before Sisko stops him cold with a one-two combination to the head. The Second Klingon manages to draw his disruptor, but, before he can fire, Sisko retrieves the disruptor from the First Klingon and shoots the Second one. As Jennifer ENTERS the corridor and looks at the unconscious Klingons, Sisko picks up the Second Klingon's disruptor.