DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - REV. 02/08/95 - ACT THREE 33. GARAK Intendant. I demand you... Garak trails off. KIRA You... "demand?" Garak realizes he's overstepped his bounds. GARAK (almost whining) But you promised me he'd die. KIRA And he will... When I say so, and not a moment sooner. Kira turns and walks away. Sisko turns to Garak and gestures that they should follow her. SISKO Shall we? GARAK (with contempt) After you. 30 INT. KIRA'S QUARTERS Sisko's kicking back in one of the couches, looking like he doesn't have a care in the world. Kira studies him. KIRA I really don't know what to do with you. SISKO I sympathize. It's a difficult decision. (smiles) But you'll come up with something. KIRA The only reason I can think of to keep you alive is to infuriate Garak. SISKO What better reason do you need?