DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - REV. 02/10/95 - ACT THREE 31. 29 CONTINUED: The airlock door rolls open and Sisko and O'Brien ENTER, flanked by three Bajoran soldiers. KIRA Well, if it isn't the notorious "Captain" Sisko and his friend the Tinkerer. Before anyone can prevent it, Sisko steps forward, takes Kira into his arms, and gives her a roguish kiss. SISKO It's good to see you, too, Intendant. KIRA Still the same old Benjamin. SISKO You wouldn't have me any other way. KIRA Perhaps not. But I'm still going to kill you. SISKO Maybe. But not right away. KIRA You flatter yourself. SISKO Not unjustly, I hope. GARAK (to Kira) Intendant, let me teach him some manners. KIRA All in good time. (a beat) But first, whatever shall we do about O'Brien? (approaches him) I remember when I first saw you, Tinkerer. You were fixing something.